[easyazon_cta add_to_cart=”default” align=”right” asin=”B00N22D3FW” cloaking=”default” height=”42″ key=”tall-orange” localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” tag=”tddose-20″ width=”120″] DIY Doors
I have always been around barn. While I was growing up my I spent summers working on the farm for my grandparents. the barn was always the greatest place for kids and the big sliding barn doors we so neat. It has been a pleasure to see that this style of door is being used in homes and offices now. I soon realized how amazing DIY sliding barn doors were and here is why.
Barn Door Designs
So what makes DIY barn doors so amazing?
First of all, do you have any idea of how many style options you can utilize when making DIY sliding barn doors? Well there are literally hundreds of different designs you can incorporate into the barn doors, the possibilities are endless. I was shocked as I looked and researched throughout the internet to find myself faced with literally thousands of wonderful barn door designs from all over the world. I decided that I would create some DIY sliding barn doors that utilized a very old world style that was used in British farms hundreds of years ago. A tribute to my heritage, if you will.
Secondly, I realized that along with the style, I could choose the other various aesthetic features of the DIY sliding barn doors. Just having that freedom to pick exactly what colors would be used for the DIY sliding barn doors was a relief and it made me very happy. I eventually decided that to match the old British style of our barn that I should go with a traditional brown color and not get too crazy in my creativity. Ultimately going with a vintage oak color which I personally believed really suited the design that I had chosen I knew would be the best fit.
Door Sizing
Soon I found out that I would have to take measurements so I could create the barn doors to precisely fit the barn door opening. This was perfect for me because my barn has very odd measurements in terms of its barn door opening. The barn had been built a long time ago and didn’t fit with conventional barn door sizing. I realized that if I had gone the traditional route and bought a pre-made barn door I would have spent lots of time making adjustments so it would fit the opening correctly. Thankfully since I had gone the DIY sliding barn doors option, I was able to create barn doors that fit the barn opening like lock and key.[easyazon_cta add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”B00DV7NJ70″ cloaking=”default” height=”28″ key=”wide-light” localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” tag=”tddose-20″ width=”176″]
Satisfaction with my DIY Door
I finished creating the DIY sliding barn doors in under a week. They truly looked amazing, I could imagine my father being proud of my creation because it was definitely something to be proud of for me. The British feel of the barn doors as well as the beautiful oak coloring creating a truly standout set of barn doors. I highly recommended any farmers to go ahead and go the DIY option when it comes to replacing their sliding barn doors.
If you are ambitious or not there are many options for the doors and most of the hardware and track options are easy to install. Just take your time with your measurements and make sure your elevations are correct before installing the track.